Good Day, God!
Earlier this week, reading the BBC World News, I thought that the Voyager Spacecraft had entered Interstellar Space on the same day my mother died.
Wow! I was SO excited! But, as so often happens, further research showed that the date was the same –August 25 — but a year earlier, in 2012.
Still I felt happy. Somehow the idea of Voyager I venturing out of our heliosphere evoked thoughts of the journey on which my mother is embarked. A truly mysterious journey, God. We commonly think of Life after Death as being a Coming Home. But, my response to the Voyager makes me “suspect” that after a Time at Home, we may have more journeying ahead of us.
My mother loved science fiction and brought that openness and curiosity about what might be to our family. Openness and curiosity are helpful. However, I’m learning that more is required. Effort has a key part to play. As I anticipate the new Apple iOS 7 upgrade, I realize I am going to have to invest time, energy and effort to learn it.
I wish, God, that we humans were as eager to upgrade our habits of “getting along” with one another.
Scientists set an excellent example for the rest of us. The scientific ethos calls for sharing information — and providing an evidence-based way of viewing reality. Medicine — Functional Medicine, that is — is just beginning to “test” many of the “accepted practices”. We laugh at the old practice of “bleeding” patients to remove toxins. But, I suspect we are continuing in some equally dysfunctional practices.
More to the point, God, help me do what I can to To Build Communities, To DO Love, and to Hear with my Whole Heart.
Filed under: Adventures, connections, Curiosity, learning Tagged: communities, curiosity, Death, effort, interstellar space, journeys, openness, Voyager program